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“此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹,又有清流激湍,映带左右”,十分符合古代修禊之礼对于自然地理环境的要求。东晋穆帝永和九年(公元353年)上已日(夏历三月初三),王羲之邀约当时名士谢安、孙绰等并亲朋子侄41人聚会于此,行修禊之礼。是日,“天朗气清,惠风和畅”,“群贤毕至,少长咸集”。王羲之等人列坐于兰渚上环曲的小溪两侧,将酒觞置于清流之上,任其逐流漂浮。一旦酒觞滞留在谁的面前,谁就得即兴赋诗一首,诗如不成,则罚酒三觞,如此以为娱乐。在这次雅集中,计有26人作诗共37首。事后,王羲之将这些诗汇成一集,并作序一篇,记下了这次聚会的盛况和作者的观感。序文共324字,字字珠玑,这就是被褚遂良评为“天下第一行书”的王羲之书法代表作《兰亭集序》。 兰亭几经迁址,现址依山傍水,竹木掩映,为一处幽雅的古典园林,景观总体布局错落有致,可分为8个景区:为鹅池,为乐池,为小兰亭,为流觞亭,为御碑亭,为右军祠,为兰亭江,为书法博物馆。 自入口步入景区,穿过一条修篁夹道的石砌小径,迎面是一泓碧水,即为鹅池。池畔是一块用石块铺砌的40平方左右的“道地”,道地的西首立有一碑,碑上“鹅池”二字传为王羲之、王献之父子分别所书。碑上有一三角亭覆盖。 过鹅池越三曲桥前行,便是小兰亭,亭中碑上“兰亭”二字,系清朝康熙帝手书。





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Fellow tourists, everyone in the spring season, Xiao Shao welcome all friendscome to our beautiful Shaoxing, today we are going to visit attractions is Lanting Pavilion, Lanting Pavilion, a lot of people know is because of Wang Xizhi’s”preface”, you said right? In fact, 1600 years ago, Lanting Pavilion is the order multiple men of literature and writing the wandering, talk poetry and paintingplace, due to Wang Xizhi’s “preface” make the Lanting Pavilion more is known to the world, and is known to the overseas, of course, to visit the Lanting Pavilion,must first know the owner of the Lanting Pavilion — Wang Xizhi.

Today. When Wang Xizhi came to Lanting Pavilion, here, please allow easy to introduce Wang Xizhi. Wang Xizhi, he was born (303 – 361), the word Yi,Shandong origin Langya, after living in Shanyin (now the Zhejiang Shaoxing, was born in a family of scholar, at the age of seven and calligraphy home until herteacher, twelve years old, he practiced that in block letters, is the use oftraditional stroke to write out, in her old age, he began to create their own style,future generations will his calligraphy called “such as the clouds of heaven thedragon” is known as the “sage of calligraphy”, Wang Xizhi 48 year old history inKuaiji, in 353 ad, invited 41 famous calligrapher held an activity, known as the -Xiuqi, all drinking poems, the poems were collected, Wang Xizhi is the best in all the land under the impromptu brush, write “script” — Preface to “Lanting Pavilion”, this is his calligraphy art peak, till today, this the order is known as the history of Chinese calligraphy is the greatest works, due to illness resign, died at the age of 58, was buried in Shengzhou Jin ting.

Dear visitors we saw before is our area of the gate, we handle ticket ready, we will enter the scenic area, we see we compared to the previous pretty big change, at present, the total area of Lanting Pavilion is more than 30000 square meters, 12 kilometers away from Shaoxing, but a year may be the modernLanting Pavilion, first Lanting Pavilion to 4 – 5 times in the expansion of investment, capital of 86000000 yuan.

Sambo Lanting Pavilion, the first is the goose pond monument, when Wang Xizhi was kuiji NEISHI, had the goose pond at all, but unfortunately just wrote a gooseword, because the imperial, nothing imperial life is more than a day, sign off by decree, when his son Wang Xianzhi see father out, the pen write a pool, so each has its own merits. The monument of the word goose word, slender, pool wordhypertrophy, because it is from the hands of two people’s sake, today said Cibeifather and son monument, tablet or two. The Lanting Pavilion monument second treasure is, Qin Shihuang is said to come here a orchid, the Han Dynasty andset up here a post, so called Lanting Pavilion, the monument has obvious crack,because the Cultural Revolution when the red guards destroyed, now the Lanting Pavilion monument blue words missing words missing head tail pavilion.

Many people see this road have a question, is now technology is so good, whynot repair is not complete, there are two reasons for this: let people understand the destruction of the cultural revolution, and remember the lessons of history,the other one is his two words is the emperor Kangxi had written, but now we canlook at the the word, has obvious signs up, this is because there are manyvisitors to hear these two words were written by Kangxi, is to touch, from thecultural point of view, this is not possible, because of this monument has been called the “Jun min bei”.

The third in March in the monument diagonally opposite is the lunar calendar,Wang Xizhi and the 41 poet held winding rivers place. “Pipa” vulgar it was our country ancient times in addition to a ceremony in the Qin and Han Dynasties,the root cause, and even more with the Han Dynasty, it sure is a festival. On this day the civilians, the imperial family have held this activity gradually becamewater feast. A custom that Wang Xizhi was held in the “Pipa” is derived, then the 42 poets in the activities after sitting next to the glass in the upstream channel,placement, the term down stream, cup stops in front of the WHO and who have apoem, so, at that time many poets in public, 11 people of poetry the first two, 15 people to write a poem, the rest are monastic, when Wang Xizhi is in like non drunk drunk situation to write, according to legend, after the event, Wang Xizhi also wanted to write this preface better works but has been unable to transcend.A fan-shaped figure in places booth, vividly depicts the activities of the day,1981, the third in March, Shanghai and Zhejiang Province 27 calligraphers twogathered in Lanting Pavilion, recommended the establishment of “Lanting Pavilion book” after 82 years of Zhejiang Federation of literary and art circle****ormally approved the establishment of a so now every March junior to holdLanting Pavilion Calligraphy Festival, China the calligrapher to this, drinkingpoems. More to win that year.

Chapter three is the Lanting Pavilion Town Park Po — the Royal Beiting, Cibeibook in both positive and negative, positive is the Lanting Pavilion sequencebehind emperor Kangxi wrote “is 1751, Emperor Qian Long Jiangnan wrote a song that poem,” Lanting Pavilion “28 lines of positive sequence, 324 words, one of the most essence is the 20 words, each have different font, stroke of each word are not similar, this monument intact, here was once home to severaldoctors, is to their credit, the two emperor stele text book hit not a pity, they want a way painted white walls. Write down the sayings of Mao Zedong “never forget class struggle”, wrote “Mao Zedong sent pestilence” word. Therefore preservedintact.

Dear visitors, we see in the side of Wang Youjun Temple Monument is now, this temple is named after Wang Xizhi’s rank, copying the inside there are various dynasties of Ming and Qing Dynasties of the gallery, the image is copied by Feng Chengsu dragon, then a genuine Wang Xizhi now in where? In Tang Taizong Li Shimin ‘. Li Shimin was, like calligraphy very much, he ordered peopleto steal, died under the edict after again to be buried, so now we see here is thecopy.

Held once a year in Lanting Pavilion Lanting Pavilion Calligraphy Festival every year, at the same time in the nearby scenic spot also specially openedcalligraphy art school, if you catch on calligraphy interested you can go there tovisit, of course, can also go to learn, everybody, time passed so quickly, and soon we Lanting Pavilion calligraphy upcoming trip end, I hope you here tourismalso can edify sentiment, improve their cultural accomplishment, at the same time, Xiao Yang and I hope you can again come to Shaoxing to play, I wish you a pleasant journey!

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